The fact is that people must not take jobs that they find stifling - or if they cannot avoid this, they must organize their weekends so as to feed the imagination, even at the worst moments of boring routine.
It has been said that it is easier to keep the imaginative life going in a truly boring routine than in an area of somewhat interesting work.
[D.W. Winnicott]
Home Is Where We Start From: Essays By A Psychoanalyst ('Living Creatively'), p.43
Truth to tell, I have a very high opinion of fantasy.
It is true that there are worthless, inadequate, morbid and unsatisfying fantasies whose sterile nature will be quickly recognized by every person endowed with commonsense; but this of course proves nothing against the value of creative imagination. All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy.
The creative activity of the imagination frees man from his bondage to the "nothing but" and liberates in him the spirit of play. As Schiller says, man is completely human only when he is playing.
[C.G. Jung]
Modern Man In Search Of A Soul ('The Aims of Psychotherapy'), p.67
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