1 Eagleton, Terry. After Theory, p.83
2 Ibid
3 Fromm, Erich. The Fear of Freedom, p.37
4 Ibid, p.40
5 Ray, Gene. Art Schools Burning and Other Songs of Love and War, chap. 5, para. 5
6 ‘Preliminary Problems in Constructing a Situation’, Internationale Situationiste #1, para. 2
7 Plant, Sadie. The Most Radical Gesture, p.59
8 Higgins, Dick. A Child’s History of Fluxus, para. 18
9 Momus, ‘Bourriaud x Curtis’ on Click Opera (blog) see here
10 ‘Preliminary Problems in Constructing a Situation’, Internationale Situationiste #1, para. 1
11 Fromm, Erich. The Fear of Freedom, p.35
12 Ibid, p.36
13 Ibid
14 Ibid, p.37
15 Ibid, p.95
16 Ibid
17 Ibid, p.93
18 Eagleton, Terry. After Theory, p.164
19 Bunting, Medeleine. ‘The narcissism of consumer society has left women unhappier than
ever’, guardian.co.uk, see here
20 Langer, Ellen. Mindfulness, p.28
21 Fromm, Erich. The Fear of Freedom, p.54
22 Gray, John. Straw Dogs, p.194
23 Goldacre, Ben. ‘Don’t Dumb Me Down’, guardian.co.uk, see here. Read his blog here.
24 Eagleton, Terry. After Theory, p.100
25 Sigfried, Giedion, Bauen in Frankreich, p.15 (found in The Arcades Project by Walter
Benjamin, p.390)
26 Fromm, Erich. The Fear of Freedom, p.104
27 For a brief analogy, see Illich, Ivan. Celebration of Awareness, p.18
28 Langer, Ellen. Mindfulness, p.34
29 Fromm, Erich. The Fear of Freedom, p.102
30 Eagleton, Terry. After Theory, p.181
31 Langer, Ellen. Mindfulness, p.63
32 Hillman, James. Healing Fiction, p.103
33 Deleuze, Gilles. The Logic of Sense, p.4
34 Ibid, p.5
35 Winnicott, D.W. ‘Living Creatively’ in Home is Where We Start From, p.51
Langer also uses a culinary example when describing something similar; “So often in our lives,
we act as though there were only one set of rules. For instance, in cooking we tend to follow
recipes with dutiful precision. We add ingredients as though by official decree. If the recipe
calls for a pinch of salt and four pinches fall in, panic strikes, as though the bowl might now
explode. Thinking of a recipe as a rule, we often do not consider how people’s tastes vary, or
what fun it might be to make up a new dish.” (Langer, Ellen. Mindfulness, p.16)
36 Ibid p.43-4
37 Fromm, Erich. The Fear of Freedom, p.224
38 Ibid
39 Ibid
40 Eagleton, Terry. After Theory, p.168
41 Fromm, Erich. The Fear of Freedom, p.225
42 Ibid, p.227
43 Berne, Eric. Games People Play, p.151
44 Ibid, p.91
45 Ibid, p.158
46 Jung, Carl. The Essential Jung, p.195
47 Ibid, p.198, 202
48 Laing, R.D. The Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise, p.51
49 Ibid, p.60
50 Ibid, p.61
51 Storr, Anthony. Dynamics of Creation, p.153 (emphasis added)
52 Laing, R.D. The Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise, p.38
53 Fromm, Erich. The Fear of Freedom, p.223
54 Ray, Gene. Art Schools Burning and Other Songs of Love and War, intro., para. 2
55 Ibid, chap. 2, para. 8
56 Eagleton, Terry. After Theory, p. 181
57 Momus, ‘Living in NKLN to keep PZBG alive’ on Click Opera (blog), see here.
58 Berne, Eric. Games People Play, p.42
59 Bourdieu, Pierre. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, p.54
60 Elliot, Karen. ‘Never Work!’ from Variant, Summer 2009, p.25-29
61 Ibid, p.29
62 Ray, Gene. Art Schools Burning and Other Songs of Love and War, chap. 5, para. 2
63 Ibid, chap. 5, para. 9
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