You've got to hit 'em where it hurts. Pull your money out of the too-big-to-fail banks ... put it in a hometown bank.
Quit flying.
Burn as little gasoline as possible.
Grow your own food.
Don't spend another dime viewing Hollywood propaganda.
Don't play their lottery.
Wean yourself off professional sport amusements ... they're intended to distract you.
Get out of debt and stay out.
These things are a good start - your personal revolution.
YouTube comment
Believe it or not, growing your own food or visiting your local
farmers market is more revolutionary and constructive
than burning down your own city and killing security forces.
[...] They need us, we don’t need them. That’s the big secret. We get our freedom back as soon as we take back our responsibilities for food, water, security, the monetary system, power, and manufacturing; that is independence. Independence is freedom, freedom is independence. We’ll never be free as long as we depend on the Fortune 500 for our survival.
Fixing these problems unfolding overseas starts with fixing the problems in our own backyards. Boycott the globalists, cut off their support, undermine their system, and they lose their ability to commit these atrocities. That will be a real revolution and it can start today. Not burning cities and masked rebels waving flags, but communities no longer dependent and fueling a corrupt system we all know must come to an end.
[Tony Cartalucci]
"The Real Revolution"
Also, give to charities that act locally as well as to charities that act globally.