Order - Chaos
Life - Death
Known - Unknown
Permanence - Change
Universal - Particular
Transcendent - Immanent
Masculine - Feminine
Collective - Individual
Authoritarian - Libertarian
Within any structure there must be those elements that are mainly interested in order, those elements that are mainly interested in chaos, and those elements that are in-between; that are at times interested in order and at other times interested in chaos.
This arrangement represents a universal balance of opposites. Both order and chaos are vital for the health of any structure, and an imbalance in favour of either can be classed as unhealthy and potentially life-threatening.
Order is characterised by the coming-together of separate elements. We order the world by conceptualising what we experience, which is another way of saying that we take separate and unrelated experiences and create connections between them, creating a new unit from those formerly separate elements.
Chaos is characterised by a flow in the opposite direction, by the separation of enjoined elements. Whenever we break something apart we are moving towards chaos.
We can see an example of this arrangement in the structure of the atom: the electrons are interested in chaos, the protons in order, and the neutrons mediate between the two.
In this sense, those within a society who push towards individualism are swinging the pendulum towards chaos; and those who push towards collectivism are swinging it towards order.
Neither direction is inherently better than the other, rather they form a dialectic; which is another way of saying that they are always in conversation with one another. The health of the structure depends on this conversation, upon each side having a say.
When it comes to a society we call those who are mainly interested in order 'authoritarians' (amongst other things) and those who are mainly interested in chaos 'libertarians' (amongst other things). The authoritarian impulse is to move towards a single point of power. If we picture a pyramid, then the authoritarian favours the top, the capstone, and favours a movement up towards it. The libertarian impulse, on the other hand, is to move towards multiple points of power, which is a move down the pyramid towards the many blocks that form its lower layers.
In this sense the authoritarian impulse is synonymous with idealism, or abstraction. The idealist is also interested in the upward movement towards something singular and all-encompassing, and the ultimate aim of idealism is a concept that can encapsulate everything. Again, abstraction can be visualised as the journey up a pyramid, from the multiple concepts that form its bottom layers, to the all-seeing totality of the capstone. One of the drawbacks of idealism is that its process takes us further and further from 'reality,' from the raw data of the ground-level. The idealist is always in danger of losing touch with 'the real world,' in floating off into abstractions.
The libertarian impulse is synonymous with empiricism, a move towards raw non-conceptualised experience. The empiricist is interested in the move down the pyramid, preferring the specifics of parts to the generality of wholes. One of the drawbacks of empiricism is that as it moves ever closer to reality it loses the ability to make sense of that reality. The empiricist is always in danger of drowning in the chaos of experience.
The libertarian impulse has as its goal a state of anarchy in which there are no social norms, and is in this sense a hetrogenising influence, preferring diversity over similarity.
The authoritarian impulse has as its goal a strict all-inclusive ideology to which all must conform, and is in this sense a homogenising influence, preferring similarity over diversity.
I remember a long while back I read a paper on why human beings have two hemispheres […] roughly speaking, the left/linguistic hemisphere attempts to impose predictable structure on the world, simplifying it.
Its not exactly an ideological simplification, its more like a practical simplification, because the world is so complex that unless you chunk it into categories it overwhelms you. So you have to chunk it into categories. And those categories aren’t exactly descriptions of things or objects, they’re more like tools for operating in the world.
And then the right hemisphere keeps track of anomalies and exceptions, and tries to build those slowly into the category system so that it doesn’t blow the category system […]
There was an example of this that a researcher named Goldberg offered. He’d trained a neural network to recognise images of fish, and the same […] network to recognise images of birds. But when he showed it a Penguin it blew the category structure, so that all fish became birds and all birds became fish.
Now, the postmodernists like Derrida claim that category structures were primarily tools of power and oppression - which to me is an absurd claim, because that’s not their primary use, even though that may be one of their consequences, and one of their occasional uses. And he became very very concerned about who the category systems marginalised, and what the consequence was of that for them.
[…] Its a really fundamental problem, that categories exclude; but then of you include the excluded in the category then you blow the category structure […] this is partly why right-wing Christians were so opposed to homosexual marriage.
What’s happening very rapidly is, because the binary category has been violated you get an explosion of chaotic identities. So its gone from two, to […] three, to […] thirty one in New York, and seventy online; and then there’s this additional explosion which is being promoted by people, who aren’t concerned with the category of gender identity but with other categories like human vs non-human identity.
[…] its a really interesting example of how binary categories maintain order, and if you violate them to include those who are excluded what you produce is an up-swelling of unmanageable chaos.
[Jordan B. Peterson ]
'I discuss chaos and order with Theryn Meyer, reasonable transperson'
The situation of homosexually inclined males in Yucatan is much different from that of members of the urban gay subculture of the United States. Because homoeroticism is much more diffuse in the society, there are not separate subcultural institutions for homosexuals.
[…] We can question whether a separated gay subculture, a minority lifestyle built around sexual preferences, is more preferable to integration of gender variance and same-sex eroticism into the general family structure and the mainstream society. We can use the American Indian concept of spirituality to break out of the deviancy model, to reunite families, and to offer special benefits to society as a whole.
[Walter L. Williams]
The Spirit and the Flesh, p. 143, 275
[...] authoritarianism is not a stable personality trait. It is rather a psychological predisposition to become intolerant when the person perceives a certain kind of threat.
It’s as though some people have a button on their foreheads, and when the button is pushed, they suddenly become intensely focused on defending their in-group, kicking out foreigners and non-conformists, and stamping out dissent within the group. At those times they are more attracted to strongmen and the use of force.
What pushes that button is a] “normative threat,” which basically means a threat to the integrity of the moral order (as they perceive it). It is the perception that “we” are coming apart [...]
"The experience or perception of disobedience to group authorities or authorities unworthy of respect, nonconformity to group norms or norms proving questionable, lack of consensus in group values and beliefs and, in general, diversity and freedom ‘run amok’ should activate the predisposition and increase the manifestation of these characteristic attitudes and behaviors."
[...] authoritarians are not being selfish [...] They are trying to protect their group or society.
"[T]he increasing license allowed by [...] evolving cultures generates the very conditions guaranteed to goad latent authoritarians to sudden and intense, perhaps violent, and almost certainly unexpected, expressions of intolerance."
[...] whenever a country has historically high levels of immigration, from countries with very different moralities, and without a strong and successful assimilationist program, it is virtually certain that there will be an authoritarian counter-reaction, and you can expect many status quo conservatives to support it.
"Ultimately, nothing inspires greater tolerance from the intolerant than an abundance of common and unifying beliefs, practices, rituals, institutions, and processes. And regrettably, nothing is more certain to provoke increased expression of their latent predispositions than the likes of “multicultural education,” bilingual policies, and nonassimilation."
[Jonathan Haidt, and Karen Stenner (in quotations)]
'When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism'
Many of my clients think that if they set any boundaries for their dogs, they automatically become the bad guy. That's certainly the problem John Grogan and Jenny Vogt had. Without discipline they could not accomplish respect. They could not give Marley the rules, boundaries and limitations he needed in order to live a more peaceful life. He ended up full of [...] instability.
By giving a dog rules, boundaries, and limitations, you don't "kill his spirit." You just give him the structure he needs in his life in order to find peace and allow his true dog self to emerge.
[Cesar Millan]
Be the Pack Leader, p. 39
Pribram and McTaggart [...] contrast “entropy” (as the movement of the inanimate world – which is towards chaos and disorder), with the coherence of consciousness which creates order.
This view is to some extent supported by Braud’s examination of interpersonal connection.
Braud (MacTaggart, 2003, p. 180) has indicated that human interaction results in the synchronisation of brainwave patterns, and that the person with the most cohesive pattern has the greatest influence on the EEG patterns of others.
[Maretha Prinsloo]
'Consciousness Models in Action: Comparisons'
Masculine - Feminine
Collective - Individual
Authoritarian - Libertarian
Within any structure there must be those elements that are mainly interested in order, those elements that are mainly interested in chaos, and those elements that are in-between; that are at times interested in order and at other times interested in chaos.
This arrangement represents a universal balance of opposites. Both order and chaos are vital for the health of any structure, and an imbalance in favour of either can be classed as unhealthy and potentially life-threatening.
Order is characterised by the coming-together of separate elements. We order the world by conceptualising what we experience, which is another way of saying that we take separate and unrelated experiences and create connections between them, creating a new unit from those formerly separate elements.
Chaos is characterised by a flow in the opposite direction, by the separation of enjoined elements. Whenever we break something apart we are moving towards chaos.
We can see an example of this arrangement in the structure of the atom: the electrons are interested in chaos, the protons in order, and the neutrons mediate between the two.
In this sense, those within a society who push towards individualism are swinging the pendulum towards chaos; and those who push towards collectivism are swinging it towards order.
Neither direction is inherently better than the other, rather they form a dialectic; which is another way of saying that they are always in conversation with one another. The health of the structure depends on this conversation, upon each side having a say.
When it comes to a society we call those who are mainly interested in order 'authoritarians' (amongst other things) and those who are mainly interested in chaos 'libertarians' (amongst other things). The authoritarian impulse is to move towards a single point of power. If we picture a pyramid, then the authoritarian favours the top, the capstone, and favours a movement up towards it. The libertarian impulse, on the other hand, is to move towards multiple points of power, which is a move down the pyramid towards the many blocks that form its lower layers.
In this sense the authoritarian impulse is synonymous with idealism, or abstraction. The idealist is also interested in the upward movement towards something singular and all-encompassing, and the ultimate aim of idealism is a concept that can encapsulate everything. Again, abstraction can be visualised as the journey up a pyramid, from the multiple concepts that form its bottom layers, to the all-seeing totality of the capstone. One of the drawbacks of idealism is that its process takes us further and further from 'reality,' from the raw data of the ground-level. The idealist is always in danger of losing touch with 'the real world,' in floating off into abstractions.
The libertarian impulse is synonymous with empiricism, a move towards raw non-conceptualised experience. The empiricist is interested in the move down the pyramid, preferring the specifics of parts to the generality of wholes. One of the drawbacks of empiricism is that as it moves ever closer to reality it loses the ability to make sense of that reality. The empiricist is always in danger of drowning in the chaos of experience.
The libertarian impulse has as its goal a state of anarchy in which there are no social norms, and is in this sense a hetrogenising influence, preferring diversity over similarity.
The authoritarian impulse has as its goal a strict all-inclusive ideology to which all must conform, and is in this sense a homogenising influence, preferring similarity over diversity.
I remember a long while back I read a paper on why human beings have two hemispheres […] roughly speaking, the left/linguistic hemisphere attempts to impose predictable structure on the world, simplifying it.
Its not exactly an ideological simplification, its more like a practical simplification, because the world is so complex that unless you chunk it into categories it overwhelms you. So you have to chunk it into categories. And those categories aren’t exactly descriptions of things or objects, they’re more like tools for operating in the world.
And then the right hemisphere keeps track of anomalies and exceptions, and tries to build those slowly into the category system so that it doesn’t blow the category system […]
There was an example of this that a researcher named Goldberg offered. He’d trained a neural network to recognise images of fish, and the same […] network to recognise images of birds. But when he showed it a Penguin it blew the category structure, so that all fish became birds and all birds became fish.
Now, the postmodernists like Derrida claim that category structures were primarily tools of power and oppression - which to me is an absurd claim, because that’s not their primary use, even though that may be one of their consequences, and one of their occasional uses. And he became very very concerned about who the category systems marginalised, and what the consequence was of that for them.
[…] Its a really fundamental problem, that categories exclude; but then of you include the excluded in the category then you blow the category structure […] this is partly why right-wing Christians were so opposed to homosexual marriage.
What’s happening very rapidly is, because the binary category has been violated you get an explosion of chaotic identities. So its gone from two, to […] three, to […] thirty one in New York, and seventy online; and then there’s this additional explosion which is being promoted by people, who aren’t concerned with the category of gender identity but with other categories like human vs non-human identity.
[…] its a really interesting example of how binary categories maintain order, and if you violate them to include those who are excluded what you produce is an up-swelling of unmanageable chaos.
[Jordan B. Peterson ]
'I discuss chaos and order with Theryn Meyer, reasonable transperson'
The situation of homosexually inclined males in Yucatan is much different from that of members of the urban gay subculture of the United States. Because homoeroticism is much more diffuse in the society, there are not separate subcultural institutions for homosexuals.
[…] We can question whether a separated gay subculture, a minority lifestyle built around sexual preferences, is more preferable to integration of gender variance and same-sex eroticism into the general family structure and the mainstream society. We can use the American Indian concept of spirituality to break out of the deviancy model, to reunite families, and to offer special benefits to society as a whole.
[Walter L. Williams]
The Spirit and the Flesh, p. 143, 275
[...] authoritarianism is not a stable personality trait. It is rather a psychological predisposition to become intolerant when the person perceives a certain kind of threat.
It’s as though some people have a button on their foreheads, and when the button is pushed, they suddenly become intensely focused on defending their in-group, kicking out foreigners and non-conformists, and stamping out dissent within the group. At those times they are more attracted to strongmen and the use of force.
What pushes that button is a] “normative threat,” which basically means a threat to the integrity of the moral order (as they perceive it). It is the perception that “we” are coming apart [...]
"The experience or perception of disobedience to group authorities or authorities unworthy of respect, nonconformity to group norms or norms proving questionable, lack of consensus in group values and beliefs and, in general, diversity and freedom ‘run amok’ should activate the predisposition and increase the manifestation of these characteristic attitudes and behaviors."
[...] authoritarians are not being selfish [...] They are trying to protect their group or society.
"[T]he increasing license allowed by [...] evolving cultures generates the very conditions guaranteed to goad latent authoritarians to sudden and intense, perhaps violent, and almost certainly unexpected, expressions of intolerance."
[...] whenever a country has historically high levels of immigration, from countries with very different moralities, and without a strong and successful assimilationist program, it is virtually certain that there will be an authoritarian counter-reaction, and you can expect many status quo conservatives to support it.
"Ultimately, nothing inspires greater tolerance from the intolerant than an abundance of common and unifying beliefs, practices, rituals, institutions, and processes. And regrettably, nothing is more certain to provoke increased expression of their latent predispositions than the likes of “multicultural education,” bilingual policies, and nonassimilation."
[Jonathan Haidt, and Karen Stenner (in quotations)]
'When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism'
Many of my clients think that if they set any boundaries for their dogs, they automatically become the bad guy. That's certainly the problem John Grogan and Jenny Vogt had. Without discipline they could not accomplish respect. They could not give Marley the rules, boundaries and limitations he needed in order to live a more peaceful life. He ended up full of [...] instability.
By giving a dog rules, boundaries, and limitations, you don't "kill his spirit." You just give him the structure he needs in his life in order to find peace and allow his true dog self to emerge.
[Cesar Millan]
Be the Pack Leader, p. 39
Pribram and McTaggart [...] contrast “entropy” (as the movement of the inanimate world – which is towards chaos and disorder), with the coherence of consciousness which creates order.
This view is to some extent supported by Braud’s examination of interpersonal connection.
Braud (MacTaggart, 2003, p. 180) has indicated that human interaction results in the synchronisation of brainwave patterns, and that the person with the most cohesive pattern has the greatest influence on the EEG patterns of others.
[Maretha Prinsloo]
'Consciousness Models in Action: Comparisons'
The strongest and most evil spirits have so far done the most to advance humanity: again and again they relumed the passions that were going to sleep - all ordered society puts the passions to sleep - and they reawakened again and again the sense of comparison, of contradiction, of the pleasure in what is new, daring, untried; they compelled men to pit opinion against opinion, model against model.
Usually by force of arms, by toppling boundary markers, by violating pieties—but also by means of new religions and moralities. In every teacher and preacher of what is new we encounter the same "wickedness" that makes conquerors notorious, even if its expression is subtler and it does not immediately set the muscles in motion, and therefore also does not make one that notorious.
What is new, however, is always evil, being that which wants to conquer and overthrow the old boundary markers and the old pieties; and only what is old is good.
The good men are in all ages those who dig the old thoughts, digging deep and getting them to bear fruit—the farmers of the spirit. But eventually all land is exploited, and the ploughshare of evil must come again and again.
Nowadays there is a profoundly erroneous moral doctrine that is celebrated especially in England: this holds that judgments of "good" and "evil” sum up experiences of what is "expedient" and "inexpedient.” One holds that what is called good preserves the species, while what is called evil harms the species. In truth, however, the evil instincts are expedient, species-preserving, and indispensable to as high a degree as the good ones; their function is merely different.
[Friedrich Nietzsche]
The Gay Science, 4
[…] any organisation has to strive continuously for the orderliness of order and the disorderliness of creative freedom. And the specific danger inherent in large-scale organisation is that its natural bias and tendency favour order, at the expense of creative freedom.
We can associate many further pairs of opposites with this basic pair of order and freedom. Centralisation is mainly an idea of order; decentralisation, one of freedom. The man of order is typically the accountant and, generally, the administrator; while the man of creative freedom is the entrepreneur. Order requires intelligence and is conducive to efficiency; while freedom calls for, and opens the door to, intuition and leads to innovation.
[E.F. Schumacher]
Small is Beautiful, p. 203
To create a category is to set a boundary within thought. It is to place a conceptual circumference around something. But, again, we must recall what the Blackfoot people say about their circles - they are always open, always ready to accept something new.
Thus, if Indigenous science were to erect a category of thought, it would just be inviting the trickster to enter and transcend any boundaries that had been erected.
An animal like a caribou, moose, bear, or salmon is never divided according to abstract geometrical proportions such as shape; neither is it divided by weight. Rather, it divides naturally and physiologically according to the joints between its bones and its muscle structure. Neither can the food from different parts of its body be compared according to its weight. For how can cheeks, lungs, brains, tongue, stomach, and rump be placed on the same set of scales and evaluated? And when it comes to the division of food, should an old man's portion weigh the same as a young hunter's? Or should people be given to according to their needs and requirements?
Fixed categories and abstractions simply could not work in such a situation. Instead, division must always be done within the context of the situation and with respect to each person.
Aboriginal peoples have no need for these idealistic classifications, for the tools they make - canoes, arrows, moccasins, snowshoes, knives, mittens, and so on - are always irregularly and individually shaped. Objects are made to be used; they follow the demands of the natural forms of materials and of the uses to which they are to be put […] Thus, language and perception is geared to the relationships of irregular, natural forms.
[F. David Peat]
Blackfoot Physics, p.229-30
The vital point to note here is the following: the system organises itself towards the critical point where single events have the widest possible range of effects.
Put differently, the system tunes itself towards optimum sensitivity to external inputs.
A method often employed to visualise the behaviour of a system is to describe it in state-space. State-space has a separate dimension for each independent variable of the system. In the case of three variables, say temperature, volume and pressure, the state-space will be three-dimensional. In the case of a thousand variables, as one would have in a network with a thousand nodes, the state-space will be thousand-dimensional. Every possible state of the system will then be characterised by a unique point in state-space, and the dynamics of the system will form trajectories through state-space.
When a number of trajectories lead towards a point (or area) in state-space, that point (or area) is an 'attractor', and represents a stable state of the system. When trajectories all lead away from a point, that point is unstable - a 'repellor'. A point that has trajectories leading towards it as well as away from it is known as 'meta-stable'.
[…] In a very stable system there will be one, or only a few strong attractors. The system will quickly come to rest in one of these, and will not move to another one easily. The resulting behaviour of the system is not very interesting. On the other hand, in a very unstable system, there will be no strong attractors, and the system will just jump around chaotically.
The theory of self-organised criticality tells us the following. A self-organising system will try to balance itself at a critical point between rigid order and chaos. It will try to optimise the number of attractors without becoming unstable.
Why is this important? It is clear that a system that only behaves chaotically is useless. On the other hand, a system that is too stable is also handicapped. If each required state of the system has to be represented by a strong, stable attractor, a lot of the resources of the system will be tied up (limiting all the degrees of freedom at a certain point means that many nodes must participate), and the capacity of the system for adaptation will be badly impaired. Furthermore, movement from one stable state to another will require very strong perturbations. For this reason the system will respond sluggishly to changes in the environment.
However, with the system poised at the point of criticality, the number of stable states will not only be optimised, but the system will also be able to change its state with the least amount of effort.
It should be clear that the principle of competition is the driving force behind this behaviour. Each node in the network will tend to dominate as large a portion of state-space as possible, and nodes therefore compete for the available resources.
Inputs to the system that do not have much variety will be represented by a few strong attractors. As the inputs increase in variability, the system will tend towards the critical point where it is optimised for flexibility. If the information that the system has to cope with becomes more than the inherent capability of the system, the system will be forced beyond the critical point. It will not be able to produce any stable attractors and chaos will ensue. For this reason, the resources of a self-organising system should be neither over-extended, nor under-extended.
The tendency a system has to move towards criticality results in an increase in complexity. What researchers like Kauffman and Bak are trying to show is that this tendency is an intrinsic characteristic of complex systems. Once a system has the capacity to self-organise, there is a 'natural' drive to optimise the organisation.
The drive towards a more complex structure is a result of 'economic' reasons: resources cannot be wasted. In this respect there is an observation to be made. The critical state of a system is often referred to as being 'on the edge of chaos' (Lewin 1993).
[Paul Cilliers]
Complexity and Postmodernism, p.97-8
Lyotard and Feyerabend are not wilfully disruptive, anti-scientific anarchists; they are considering the conditions of knowledge in a complex society.
To allow previously marginalised voices equal opportunity once again does not imply that 'anything goes'. Dissenting voices receive no special privilege; they have to enter into the 'agonistics of the network', where their relevance is dynamically determined through competition and co-operation in terms of the history as well as the changing needs and goals of the system.
Since all the networks we have talked about are contingent entities, they are finite. Even the most complex ones have a finite capacity for handling information. A network can therefore suffer from an overload, especially when confronted with too much novelty.
An overloaded network will show 'pathological' behaviour, either in terms of chaotic behaviour or in terms of catatonic shutdown. This may actually be the state of affairs many critics of postmodernism fear, one in which we are being overloaded with information and, in the process, annihilated (e.g. Baudrillard 1988).
The point is, however, that there is little escape. Reverting to rigid, central control or the reintroduction of grand narratives will not make the information go away. We have to learn to cope with it by being more discriminating, by filtering out some of the excesses.
Once again, the connectionist model is the most effective one for performing this 'filtering'. In a rule-based system, preferences have to be programmed in, and can be adjusted only with difficulty. Such systems remain paradigmatic of the modernist approach working with abstract forms of meaning (representation) and central control.
Connectionist models can dynamically adjust themselves in order to select that which is to be inhibited and that which is to be enhanced. Robustness and flexibility are two sides of the same coin. In terms of our social condition, this means that we would experience less postmodern stress by becoming less rigid in our interaction with each other and our environment.
This does not mean that one should give up, or go with the flow. It means that we all have to enter into the agonistics of the network.
[Paul Cilliers]
Complexity and Postmodernism, p.118-9
[...] for Plato, becoming is itself an unlimited becoming, a becoming insane, a becoming hubric and guilty which, in order to be made circular needs the act of a demiurge who forcibly bends it, who imposes the model of the idea on it.
This is how becoming or chaos are transferred to the side of an obscure mechanical causality and the cycle is referred to a kind of finality which is imposed from the outside. There is no chaos in the cycle, the cycle expresses the forced submission of becoming to an external law.
Even among the Pre-Socratics perhaps only Heraclitus knew that becoming is not "judged", that it cannot be and has not to be judged, that it does not receive its law from elsewhere, that it is "just" and possesses its own law in itself.
[Gilles Deleuze]
Nietzsche and Philosophy, p.28
[...] we have managed to discover another game, another way of playing: we have discovered the Overman beyond two human-all-too-human ways of existing; we have managed to make chaos an object of affirmation instead of positing it as something to be denied.
[Gilles Deleuze]
Nietzsche and Philosophy, p.37
To create a category is to set a boundary within thought. It is to place a conceptual circumference around something. But, again, we must recall what the Blackfoot people say about their circles - they are always open, always ready to accept something new.
Thus, if Indigenous science were to erect a category of thought, it would just be inviting the trickster to enter and transcend any boundaries that had been erected.
An animal like a caribou, moose, bear, or salmon is never divided according to abstract geometrical proportions such as shape; neither is it divided by weight. Rather, it divides naturally and physiologically according to the joints between its bones and its muscle structure. Neither can the food from different parts of its body be compared according to its weight. For how can cheeks, lungs, brains, tongue, stomach, and rump be placed on the same set of scales and evaluated? And when it comes to the division of food, should an old man's portion weigh the same as a young hunter's? Or should people be given to according to their needs and requirements?
Fixed categories and abstractions simply could not work in such a situation. Instead, division must always be done within the context of the situation and with respect to each person.
Aboriginal peoples have no need for these idealistic classifications, for the tools they make - canoes, arrows, moccasins, snowshoes, knives, mittens, and so on - are always irregularly and individually shaped. Objects are made to be used; they follow the demands of the natural forms of materials and of the uses to which they are to be put […] Thus, language and perception is geared to the relationships of irregular, natural forms.
[F. David Peat]
Blackfoot Physics, p.229-30
The vital point to note here is the following: the system organises itself towards the critical point where single events have the widest possible range of effects.
Put differently, the system tunes itself towards optimum sensitivity to external inputs.
A method often employed to visualise the behaviour of a system is to describe it in state-space. State-space has a separate dimension for each independent variable of the system. In the case of three variables, say temperature, volume and pressure, the state-space will be three-dimensional. In the case of a thousand variables, as one would have in a network with a thousand nodes, the state-space will be thousand-dimensional. Every possible state of the system will then be characterised by a unique point in state-space, and the dynamics of the system will form trajectories through state-space.
When a number of trajectories lead towards a point (or area) in state-space, that point (or area) is an 'attractor', and represents a stable state of the system. When trajectories all lead away from a point, that point is unstable - a 'repellor'. A point that has trajectories leading towards it as well as away from it is known as 'meta-stable'.
[…] In a very stable system there will be one, or only a few strong attractors. The system will quickly come to rest in one of these, and will not move to another one easily. The resulting behaviour of the system is not very interesting. On the other hand, in a very unstable system, there will be no strong attractors, and the system will just jump around chaotically.
The theory of self-organised criticality tells us the following. A self-organising system will try to balance itself at a critical point between rigid order and chaos. It will try to optimise the number of attractors without becoming unstable.
Why is this important? It is clear that a system that only behaves chaotically is useless. On the other hand, a system that is too stable is also handicapped. If each required state of the system has to be represented by a strong, stable attractor, a lot of the resources of the system will be tied up (limiting all the degrees of freedom at a certain point means that many nodes must participate), and the capacity of the system for adaptation will be badly impaired. Furthermore, movement from one stable state to another will require very strong perturbations. For this reason the system will respond sluggishly to changes in the environment.
However, with the system poised at the point of criticality, the number of stable states will not only be optimised, but the system will also be able to change its state with the least amount of effort.
It should be clear that the principle of competition is the driving force behind this behaviour. Each node in the network will tend to dominate as large a portion of state-space as possible, and nodes therefore compete for the available resources.
Inputs to the system that do not have much variety will be represented by a few strong attractors. As the inputs increase in variability, the system will tend towards the critical point where it is optimised for flexibility. If the information that the system has to cope with becomes more than the inherent capability of the system, the system will be forced beyond the critical point. It will not be able to produce any stable attractors and chaos will ensue. For this reason, the resources of a self-organising system should be neither over-extended, nor under-extended.
The tendency a system has to move towards criticality results in an increase in complexity. What researchers like Kauffman and Bak are trying to show is that this tendency is an intrinsic characteristic of complex systems. Once a system has the capacity to self-organise, there is a 'natural' drive to optimise the organisation.
The drive towards a more complex structure is a result of 'economic' reasons: resources cannot be wasted. In this respect there is an observation to be made. The critical state of a system is often referred to as being 'on the edge of chaos' (Lewin 1993).
[Paul Cilliers]
Complexity and Postmodernism, p.97-8
Lyotard and Feyerabend are not wilfully disruptive, anti-scientific anarchists; they are considering the conditions of knowledge in a complex society.
To allow previously marginalised voices equal opportunity once again does not imply that 'anything goes'. Dissenting voices receive no special privilege; they have to enter into the 'agonistics of the network', where their relevance is dynamically determined through competition and co-operation in terms of the history as well as the changing needs and goals of the system.
Since all the networks we have talked about are contingent entities, they are finite. Even the most complex ones have a finite capacity for handling information. A network can therefore suffer from an overload, especially when confronted with too much novelty.
An overloaded network will show 'pathological' behaviour, either in terms of chaotic behaviour or in terms of catatonic shutdown. This may actually be the state of affairs many critics of postmodernism fear, one in which we are being overloaded with information and, in the process, annihilated (e.g. Baudrillard 1988).
The point is, however, that there is little escape. Reverting to rigid, central control or the reintroduction of grand narratives will not make the information go away. We have to learn to cope with it by being more discriminating, by filtering out some of the excesses.
Once again, the connectionist model is the most effective one for performing this 'filtering'. In a rule-based system, preferences have to be programmed in, and can be adjusted only with difficulty. Such systems remain paradigmatic of the modernist approach working with abstract forms of meaning (representation) and central control.
Connectionist models can dynamically adjust themselves in order to select that which is to be inhibited and that which is to be enhanced. Robustness and flexibility are two sides of the same coin. In terms of our social condition, this means that we would experience less postmodern stress by becoming less rigid in our interaction with each other and our environment.
This does not mean that one should give up, or go with the flow. It means that we all have to enter into the agonistics of the network.
[Paul Cilliers]
Complexity and Postmodernism, p.118-9
[...] for Plato, becoming is itself an unlimited becoming, a becoming insane, a becoming hubric and guilty which, in order to be made circular needs the act of a demiurge who forcibly bends it, who imposes the model of the idea on it.
This is how becoming or chaos are transferred to the side of an obscure mechanical causality and the cycle is referred to a kind of finality which is imposed from the outside. There is no chaos in the cycle, the cycle expresses the forced submission of becoming to an external law.
Even among the Pre-Socratics perhaps only Heraclitus knew that becoming is not "judged", that it cannot be and has not to be judged, that it does not receive its law from elsewhere, that it is "just" and possesses its own law in itself.
[Gilles Deleuze]
Nietzsche and Philosophy, p.28
[...] we have managed to discover another game, another way of playing: we have discovered the Overman beyond two human-all-too-human ways of existing; we have managed to make chaos an object of affirmation instead of positing it as something to be denied.
[Gilles Deleuze]
Nietzsche and Philosophy, p.37