Bad Conscience

Responsibility      -         Irresponsibility
Tyrrhic                  -         Odinic     
Reactive               -         Active     

The imputation of wrongs and responsibilities, the bitter recrimination, the perpetual accusation, the ressentiment - this is the pious interpretation of existence.

"It's your fault, it's your fault", until the accused, in turn, says, "it's my fault" and the desolated world resounds with all these moans and their echoes. "Everywhere where responsibilities have been sought it is the instinct of revenge that has sought them [...]”

Nietzsche does not see ressentiment (it's your fault) and bad conscience (it's my fault) and their common fruit (responsibility) as simple psychological events but rather as the fundamental categories of Semitic and Christian thought, of our way of thinking and interpreting existence in general.

Nietzsche takes on the tasks of providing a new ideal, a new interpretation and another way of thinking. "To give irresponsibility its positive sense", "I wished to conquer the feeling of a full irresponsibility, to make myself independent of praise and blame, of present and past".

Irresponsibility - Nietzsche's most noble and beautiful secret.

[Gilles Deleuze]
Nietzsche and Philosophy, p.21

For a long time we have only been able to think in terms of ressentiment and bad conscience. We have had no other ideal but the ascetic ideal. We have opposed knowledge to life in order to judge life, in order to make it something blameworthy, responsible or erroneous.

We turned will into something bad, something stricken by a basic contradiction: we have said that it must be rectified, restrained, limited and even denied and suppressed. It was only any good at this price.

There is no philosopher who, discovering the essence of will, has not groaned at his own discovery and, like the timid fortuneteller, has not immediately seen bad omens for the future and the source of all evils of the past. Schopenhauer pushed this old conception to its extreme limit; the penitentiary of the will, he said, and the wheel of Ixion.

Nietzsche is the only one who does not groan at the discovery of the will, who does not try to exorcise it, or limit its effect.

[Gilles Deleuze]
Nietzsche and Philosophy, p.35

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