Serious - Playful
Solid - Liquid
Actuality - Potentiality
Closed - Open
Rest - Motion

Those pursuits—searching out songs, finding out about artists, or just experiences that entertain us, that delight us — that’s what makes life fun and worth living.
And I want us to remember how playful that should be. And the minute it starts to hold us back or feel stressful, or that we have to cling too hard to any one idea of ourselves, it’s just good to step back and kind of remember that it’s all just supposed to be fun. So I guess that means to not take things too seriously.
[Andrew WK]
In the organizational context, Nevis saw resistance to change--for example, someone's refusing to "join in"--as an expression of the differentiation of opposites (polar differentiation) [...]
Seeing this resistance as an inner conflict - rather than just seeing the loner as being obstinate - the Gestalt practitioner has something to work with [...]
One could, for example, ask the individual to experiment with what it feels like to move in the direction of one pole or the other. In so doing, he can begin to see his resistance as a matter of choices, and become aware that he is being pulled in different directions by opposing (and equally valid) needs.
[Herb Stevenson]
'Paradox: A Gestalt Theory of Change'
Do you believe you can know yourselves if you don't somehow construct yourselves? ... We can only know what we succeed in giving form to.
Ah, you believe only houses are constructed? I construct myself continually and I construct you, and you do the same.
And the construction lasts as long as the material of our feelings doesn't crumble and as long as the cement of our will lasts.
Why do you believe firmness of will is so highly touted, and constancy of feelings? The former has only to waver a little, and the latter has only to be altered by one degree or change ever so slightly, and it's goodbye to our reality! We realize immediately that it was only our delusion.
Firmness of will, then. Constancy of feelings. Hang on, hang on, to avoid these plunges into the void, to keep from encountering these unwelcome surprises.
But, oh! what fine constructions result.
[Luigi Pirandello]
One, No One & One Hundred Thousand, p.41, 42
Sickness, in Pirandello as in many other great writers, is experienced as a situation in which all automatic behavior is suspended and the perceptive faculties, outside of the normal rules, seem to expand and see "with other eyes".
'One, No one and One Hundred Thousand'
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