One cost of the retributive conversation is that it breeds entitlement.
Entitlement is essentially the conversation, "What's in it for me?" It expresses a scarcity mentality, and the economist tells us that only what is scarce has value.
Entitlement is the outcome of a patriarchal culture [...] if we create a context of fear, fault, and retribution, then we will focus on protecting ourselves, which plants the seed of entitlement.
The cost of entitlement is that it is an escape from accountability and soft on commitment. It gets in the way of authentic citizenship.
The weakness in the dominant view of accountability is that it thinks people can be held accountable. That we can force people to be accountable. Despite the fact that it sells easily, it is an illusion to believe that retribution, incentives, legislation, new standards, and tough consequences will cause accountability.
This illusion is what creates entitlement - and worse, it drives us apart; it does not bring us together. It turns neighbour against neighbour. It denies that we are our brother's keeper. Every colonial and autocratic regime rises to power by turning citizens against each other.
Accountability is the willingness to care for the well-being of the whole; commitment is the willingness to make a promise with no expectation of return.
[Peter Block]
Community, p.70-71
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