Senex - Puer
Tyhrric - Odinic
Innovate - Endure
Innovate - Endure
Novel - Traditional
Achievement - Limits
Aspire - Accept
Dynamic - Static
The parallels between the domestic cults among the [Indo-European] branches suggest that ancestor worship was originary, and ancestor worship is usually tied to a place, especially a barrow or tomb.
In historical times, IEs were loath to move, and the only ones who would were the lower status individuals. The noble classes stayed put, it was generally the junior familial branches who went off to found colonies. Seasonal cattle rustling is one thing, but leaving your homeland wasn't something you did for fun and adventure—you did it because of hard necessity.
This fits much better with the Odinic/Tyrrhic conception than the Faustian, where the Odinic is the side of the young Koryos, the explosive warband of youths who were at once esoteric, initiatic, and utterly realist, Dumezil's magician-king. They weren't idealistic adventurers, they were a hard-headed warrior band who filled an important role in their society.
The complement, the Tyrrhic, is the venerable, exoteric state cult, the picture of traditionalism. When Dave says that "space is gay", he is expressing the Tyrrhic. A lot of you prefer the Odinic—the Aryan encompasses both.
If you want an Aryan sentiment along the same lines, look no further than Homer. After the Trojan War, Odysseus is thrust into adventure after adventure. He defies gods, courts a princess, and is even offered immortality by a goddess. He wants none of that though—the one thing he wants is to see his hearth again. He wants to get back to his wife, his family, the seat of his ancestors. Odysseus would have understood very well what Dave is getting at, and this too is Aryan.
[Mike from Imperium Press]
The Odinic Romulus is a very different figure than the Tyrrhic Numa.
Romulus is the founder who brings the sacred fire and has an element of wildness and barbarism about him. He is somewhat beyond the pale, being a fratricide, and being eventually killed by the senate who represents what is venerable and ancient. He is a dark, violent, revolutionary, uncanny figure.
You are not meant to emulate him—a civilization of Romuluses could not work—you are meant to respect him, maybe even fear him a little. He is a wartime king.
Note also that Romulus, while not the moral exemplar, is “senior”, even if he represents youth, speed, frenzy—the child the father of the man. He has “firstness”, he is the founder, and his will necessarily prevails; Numa’s job is to carry out and interpret that will.
[Imperium Press]
‘The Odinic vs. the Tyrrhic’, Imperium Press, Substack
But inquiry into the interpersonal relationships of neurotics reveals a lack of maturity, a failure to progress beyond a childish preoccupation with being worse than, or better than, others; an inability to love and be lovable; a failure to achieve that relationship of whole person to whole person which is the outward sign of an inward integration.
[Anthony Storr]
The Integrity of the Personality, p.167
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The parallels between the domestic cults among the [Indo-European] branches suggest that ancestor worship was originary, and ancestor worship is usually tied to a place, especially a barrow or tomb.
In historical times, IEs were loath to move, and the only ones who would were the lower status individuals. The noble classes stayed put, it was generally the junior familial branches who went off to found colonies. Seasonal cattle rustling is one thing, but leaving your homeland wasn't something you did for fun and adventure—you did it because of hard necessity.
This fits much better with the Odinic/Tyrrhic conception than the Faustian, where the Odinic is the side of the young Koryos, the explosive warband of youths who were at once esoteric, initiatic, and utterly realist, Dumezil's magician-king. They weren't idealistic adventurers, they were a hard-headed warrior band who filled an important role in their society.
The complement, the Tyrrhic, is the venerable, exoteric state cult, the picture of traditionalism. When Dave says that "space is gay", he is expressing the Tyrrhic. A lot of you prefer the Odinic—the Aryan encompasses both.
If you want an Aryan sentiment along the same lines, look no further than Homer. After the Trojan War, Odysseus is thrust into adventure after adventure. He defies gods, courts a princess, and is even offered immortality by a goddess. He wants none of that though—the one thing he wants is to see his hearth again. He wants to get back to his wife, his family, the seat of his ancestors. Odysseus would have understood very well what Dave is getting at, and this too is Aryan.
[Mike from Imperium Press]
The Odinic Romulus is a very different figure than the Tyrrhic Numa.
Romulus is the founder who brings the sacred fire and has an element of wildness and barbarism about him. He is somewhat beyond the pale, being a fratricide, and being eventually killed by the senate who represents what is venerable and ancient. He is a dark, violent, revolutionary, uncanny figure.
You are not meant to emulate him—a civilization of Romuluses could not work—you are meant to respect him, maybe even fear him a little. He is a wartime king.
Note also that Romulus, while not the moral exemplar, is “senior”, even if he represents youth, speed, frenzy—the child the father of the man. He has “firstness”, he is the founder, and his will necessarily prevails; Numa’s job is to carry out and interpret that will.
[Imperium Press]
‘The Odinic vs. the Tyrrhic’, Imperium Press, Substack
But inquiry into the interpersonal relationships of neurotics reveals a lack of maturity, a failure to progress beyond a childish preoccupation with being worse than, or better than, others; an inability to love and be lovable; a failure to achieve that relationship of whole person to whole person which is the outward sign of an inward integration.
[Anthony Storr]
The Integrity of the Personality, p.167
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