There seems to be no agent more effective than another person in bringing a world for oneself alive, or, by a glance, a gesture, or a remark, shrivelling up the reality in which one is lodged.
[Erving Goffman]
Encounters: Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction, p41.
Personal action can either open out possibilities of enriched experience or it can shut off possibilities.
Personal action is either predominantly validating, confirming, encouraging, supportive, enhancing, or it is invalidating, disconfirming, discouraging, undermining and constricting. It can be creative or destructive.
In a world where the normal condition is one of alienation, most personal action must be destructive both of one's own experience and of that of the other.
[R.D. Laing]
The Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise, p.28, 29
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